Food in Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic cuisine is predominantly made up of a combination of Spanish, indigenous Taíno, and African influences. Many Middle-Eastern dishes have been adopted into Dominican cuisine, such as the “Quipe” that comes from the Lebanese kibbeh. Dominican cuisine resembles that of other countries in Latin America, those of the nearby islands of Puerto Rico and Cuba, most of all, though the dish names differ sometimes.

A traditional breakfast would consist of mangú, fried eggs, fried salami, fried cheese and sometimes avocado. This is called “Los Tres Golpes” or “The Three Hits”. Mangú con “Los Tres Golpes” (Mangú with “The Three Hits”)

As in Spain, the largest, most important meal of the day is lunch. Its most typical form, nicknamed La Bandera (“The Flag”), consists of rice, red beans and meat (beef, chicken, pork, or fish), sometimes accompanied by a side of salad.

Dominican Republic National Dishes


Sancocho (from the Spanish verb sancochar, “to parboil”) is a traditional soup (often considered a stew) in several Latin American cuisines. Variations represent popular national dishes in the Puerto Rico, Honduras, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. It usually consists of large pieces of meat, tubers and vegetables served in a broth.

Country Food - Dominican Republic - Sancocho
Country Food – Dominican Republic – Sancocho
